Top 5 Home Remedies Against Moles

Some of us will exert a tremendous amount of effort in manicuring our lawns and taking care of our garden. However, it will only take a couple of days for the Kansas City moles to destroy our hard work. There are different ways on how you can deal with this problem. Some people choose the more aggressive method while there are others who prefer the natural ways. For those who are looking for an inexpensive and natural solution against this nuisance creature, we created a short list of home remedies to get rid of moles.

Homemade Solution to Keep the Kansas Moles Away
There are at least 6 types of moles that you will encounter in the US. Some of this solution may be effective against the eastern mole but will not deter the star-nosed mole. You may have to use each method until you found the best one for you.

1. Creating Noise
Moles are very sensitive to sounds. Introducing wind chimes or other instruments that can produce noise is a good way to drive away the Kansas City moles. If this doesn’t work, you can consider playing a radio in the affected area. Moles stay away from areas with human presence. By tuning the radio to the talk station, you can encourage them to relocate their tunnel. You need to be wary on the volume of your radio. Be sure that it will not cause disturbance in your community.

2. Using Pet Waste
Our pet can chase away moles in our yards. However, you can’t expect them to do this job 24/7. A good way to remind the moles about your pets would be to use their waste product. Their waste such as their urine contain pheromones that they use in marking their territory. This sends a message to the moles that someone is occupying your yard.

3. Fish Scent
Some gardeners believe that moles do not appreciate the fish odor. In case you have a leftover of fish, you may place it in the entrance of their tunnel. This may persuade the moles to leave your property. Unfortunately, the scent of the fish can attract the attention of other pests such as mice and rats. The better solution would be to use fish emulsion.

4. Coffee Grounds
Not all of us will be aware that coffee grounds can be used to repel the moles. You should recycle your coffee grounds by scattering this all over your yard. While the scent of coffee can be invigorating to humans, this can be disgusting to the mole. You can use them along with the other methods to experience the best result.

5. Fencing
Surrounding the perimeter of your property with a fence would be a good move against the moles. However, you will have to burry it at about 2ft on the ground. This depth is necessary to ensure that the moles will not tunnel through your fence.

Finally, you should check the elements in your yard that can attract the attention of the moles. For instance, you should eliminate the possible source of their food. Moles love the taste of grubs, earthworms and insects. Eliminating these factors can help you minimize the possibility of attracting these unwanted guests.

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